How Digital Platforms are Transforming future of Marketplace
A digital transformation is the adoption of digital technology to fundamentally change how an organization operates and delivers value to…
Advanced Tutoring Allocation Algorithm Tool for Online Education
In certain online tutoring forms, students can talk to and learn from a real tutor in some other part of…
Revolutionizing Customer Experience with Industry 4.0
Automation, Better product quality, Intelligent technology and machinery - Businesses want to fully realize Industry 4.0. But how it incorporates…
Transforming Patient Experience through Smart Hospital Rooms
Automation, digitization, and technological enablement are all having a significant impact on several businesses today. Delivery of healthcare is not…
How the Internet of Behavior (IoB) Enhances Customer Relationship Management
The complexity of the IoT is continually growing and changing, including how devices are connected to one another, what calculations…
CRM-ERP Integration Advantages and Benefits
The mixing of Client Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is critical in delivering seamless client experiences.…
Banking as a Service (BaaS) and Top Financial Services Trends
The rapid wave of digital transformation set forth the transition of banks from rigorous to responsive, conventional to digitally savvy,…
The Role of IoT in Sustainable Transportation
The transportation industry accounts for various issues such as pollutions, wastage of fuels and power, greenhouse gas emissions. Based on…
Big Data Security Intelligence – Analytics Tools
Advances in data analytics have resulted in the development of advanced tools that can evaluate and process data and information…