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  • Custom LMS for an online tutoring platform

The Client

Our client is a leading EdTech service provider based in the Middle East offering a range of personalized tutoring services to students. The company offers a web-enabled and mobile-based Learning Management System (Custom LMS) integrated with an online on-demand tutoring platform that connects remote students with specialized online tutors.

The Challenge

The client was looking to expand its existing Custom LMS to make it more scalable and feature-rich to meet its growing customer requirements. They needed an experienced and skilled technology partner who could carry their vision forward and deliver a market-ready solution as quickly as possible, as time was of the essence. Experion, their technology partner of choice, was required to expand the existing complicated learning module and add new features that catered to the latest requirements in the EdTech sector.

Our Solution

After conducting a comprehensive workshop with the client to gain more product knowledge, Team Experion proposed the following phase-based solution:

  1. Phase I, which would be an “as is” assessment of the existing LMS, including fixing all its high-priority bugs and issues.
  2. Phase II, which would be a detailed “to be” development plan along with an exhaustive roadmap for product development.

Through these two phases, Experion experts were able to deliver a complete on-demand EdTech platform with the following capabilities:

  • Real-time and immediate association of learners with qualified instructors.
  • Successful completion and delivery of a learning app using advanced technologies.
  • Enabling a virtual classroom in the future.

Overall, this EdTech learning platform provided a comprehensive and personalized learning experience for its learners. Developed on mobile and virtual platforms, the solution facilitated instant private tutoring for learners – along with affordable educational content and practice exams. The Custom LMS was specifically designed to address the unique challenges of the region and deliver a superior learning experience.

The standout features of the solution include:

  • Guided learning paths that used a mix of videos, exercises, and quizzes mapped to the designed curriculum.
  • Students can prepare for upcoming exams by giving practice exams based on previous year’s exams.
  • A gamification-based learning approach with points awarded against each student’s activity and performance.
  • Through a virtual classroom environment, students could now connect with online tutors (whenever needed) along with live interactions between students and tutors.
  • A rating option for both tutors and students (by each other).
  • Classroom management for teachers linked to a school along with assignment uploading for easier student access.
  • Parents have real-time notification of student activities along with a detailed student performance report for identifying areas of improvement.
Why Us

Tech Stack

  • Java (for Android)
  • Objective C and Swift (for iOS)
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • SASS
  • Angular 2~6~7~8
  • Typescript
  • Java with Vert.x
  • Apache
  • Cassandra
  • MySQL
  • Nodejs
  • MongoDB
  • Amazon AWS

Business Impact

  • The Custom LMS solution is now used by over 500,000 online students in over 25 countries.
  • Delivered over 4 million minutes of recorded online tutoring, along with an average of 2,000 tutoring minutes every day.
  • The solution led to the development of a subscription-based pricing model for various users.
  • Student acquisition increased by 40% yearly and retention increased by 58% yearly. Also, average learning video watch time increased by 22%.
  • The client benefited from a 150% spike in user base from 200,000 to 500,000 in just two months.
  • Delivered over 258,000 online lessons, demonstrating the robust capabilities of the system.

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