Case Studies

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  • Tutor Scheduling Software for personalized tutoring

The Challenge

The client approached Experion as the project did not take shape as they envisioned with their previous technology partner due to their lack of experience & expertise in developing scalable, market-ready products.

A dedicated team of engineers from Experion stepped in – taking on the challenge of taking over a complicated base module that was already in place and expanding the product suite by building in new features that meet the dynamic market requirements.

Our Solution

The scale and complexity of the project were so immense that Experion had to leverage its proven process and specialist capabilities in product engineering and product life-cycle management to begin work on it.

Before the commencement of the project, the team at Experion created a detailed plan beginning with effective knowledge assimilation through extensive product workshops with the client team.

Experion then engaged specialist resources in the preparatory phase -an in-depth code review and documentation review was conducted, and a detailed review report was created. The resources then went on to do a thorough requirement analysis so a comprehensive plan for development could be shared with the client.

In Phase I, they created an “as is” assessment of the client’s existing product, laying out all the bugs and issues that would need attention. In Phase II, they created a meticulous “to be” plan for development, with an exhaustive product road map for the journey ahead.

As envisioned by the client, the platform would continue to work as an ‘OnDemand’ EduTech platform – the system was equipped to instantaneously connect the user with qualified and specialized providers in real-time. Our team of experts worked relentlessly to manage the on-demand feature, enhance the product’s features, and transform it into a complete Learning Management System.

Experion successfully completed and launched the app, exceeding the client’s expectations. The platform was reimagined and developed with technologies advanced enough that in the future it can even be extended as a virtual classroom – which is one of the capabilities the client imagines the product evolving into having and is working on developing.

Experion continues to support the client in developing the platform as per the product roadmap and provides all necessary post-production support.

Business Impact

Since Experion’s successful execution of this project, and utilizing Experion’s ongoing engagement, the system has now expanded to a comprehensive learning system that is now used in over 25 countries by over 500,000 students and has completed 4 million+ minutes of online tutoring so far. It has proved to be one of the most successful examples of online learning that the current COVID-19 situation forced on the world.

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the landscape of learning has seen an unprecedented shift. It is the need of the hour to design and deploy quality e-learning tools, tools that are smartly designed to be both engaging and educating. Students have quickly begun to adapt to the ‘new normal’ of online learning, made amply evident by the huge spike we observed in the number of users the app saw – the existing userbase went from 200,000 to 500,000, a surge of nearly 200% in just two months. Despite this large influx in the number of users, the app held up well and the supporting team at Experion handled the increased traffic like champs, despite the constraints of working from home.

This app is truly an example of an idea beautifully conceptualized and flawlessly executed to ensure that there were no interruptive pauses in the learning journeys of students around the world.


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